August 26, 2015 , Motorcycle Accidents

Crashes Involving a Single Motorcyclist Still Can Be Good Personal Injury Claims

There is a lot of bias out there about motorcyclists that can come into the picture after a collision. Some motorcyclists do ride recklessly, or don’t wear the proper gear to protect themselves, which results in more extreme injuries in case of a c...
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August 26, 2015 , Motorcycle Accidents

Attorney Bill Coats Represents Accident Victims from Broadside Collisions on a Motorcycle

It might be hard to imagine, but broadside collisions on a motorcycle don’t tend to result in the catastrophic injuries that head-on or rollover crashes incur. However, motorcycles do not have the same protection of a vehicle surrounding them on al...
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August 26, 2015 , Motorcycle Accidents

Brain Injuries from Motorcycle Crashes Are Not Uncommon on Whatcom County Roads

Motorcycles offer a sense of freedom and excitement to those who love to drive them. While it takes a different level of skill and type of license that’s different from cars and trucks, many motorcyclists use it as a primary way of transportation, ...
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July 21, 2015 , Motorcycle Accidents

Tips on safe motorcycling

The freedom of motorcycling on the open road might be best summed up in the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert Pirsig: "You're completely in contact with it all. You're in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the s...
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