April 4, 2017 , Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving emphasis patrols operating now

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. To celebrate, Washington State Patrol is conducting "emphasis patrols" targeting this behavior on Washington roads. If you're traveling on highways that cross Bellingham, and that is pretty much all of us,...
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March 22, 2017 , Distracted Driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month – Sign the Pledge!

If you're short on time, click here to sign the pledge: Distracted Driving Awareness Month Pledge. If you're not already convinced, read on: People do enough things that cause accidents without adding cell phone distractions to the list of neglige...
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June 10, 2016 , Distracted Driving

Distracted walking is on the rise

By now most Americans are well familiar with the dangers of distracted driving. In fact, only 1 out of 5 teens think they can text and drive at the same time without a problem. Unfortunately, behavior doesn't always follow this thinking, because cell...
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April 14, 2016 , Distracted Driving

We have to get creative to find ways to prevent distracted driving

Distracted driving is as big of a problem as drunk driving – if not bigger. Few people drink all day, but on average, each American checks his or her phone 80 times per day. That means Americans can't go twelve minutes without checking their phone,...
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April 6, 2016 , Distracted Driving

Texting while driving increases the risk of a crash 23 times

Studies show that's the equivalent of driving with a .19 blood alcohol level.  To reach a .19 BAC, a180-pound man would have to put down nine drinks. You can see for yourself on this blood alcohol level calculator. Drive...
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February 16, 2016 , Distracted Driving

Can distracted driving be proven?

We’re now familiar with some ready made excuses to explain distracted driving when drivers have been busted. None of which worked. But, it leaves the question, “Can distracted driving be proven?” Yes, it can, and quite easily. Every call or te...
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February 1, 2016 , Distracted Driving

Statistics on distracted driving

We live in a powerful age of ubiquitous technology and data here in Bellingham, this wonderful City of Subdued Excitement. While it's a blessing to be able to understand more and more of our world and what we're creating in it, it's also distrac...
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January 25, 2016 , Distracted Driving

“I was just checking the time” and other excuses that do not get you out of a distracted driving ticket

It takes about five seconds to glance at your phone while texting.  A popular statistic is that driving for five seconds at highway speed while texting is like driving the length of a football field blindfolded. I did the math; it actual...
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September 24, 2015 , Distracted Driving

Distractions aren’t limited to driving – new research on distracted driving Part 2

In our fast-paced world, distractions are rampant. Technological innovation has given us so many options vying for our attention, which is a very lucrative business. Smart phones are everywhere, and contain a tiny universe of information packaged in&...
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September 15, 2015 , Distracted Driving

One of the Best Videos on Distracted Driving Dangers I’ve Seen

Take a look at this commercial about distracted driving: Eyes On The Road Eye-opening, isn't it? Just the other day, outside my office in downtown Bellingham, I watched a man checking his cell phone while waiting at a stop light. It turned green bu...
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