May 10, 2018 , Bicycle Injuries

Ten things every Bellingham bicyclist should do for safety

As Bellingham's days stretch longer towards summer, more bicyclists will be out on the roads. This increases the risk of a car and bike collision. Remembering these simple rules while you ride your bicycle can do a lot to prevent a personal injury. ...
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May 10, 2018 , Bicycle Injuries

Bellingham bicyclists should brush up on safety rules to avoid a bike vs. car accident

Even with a helmet, a bicyclist is at a severe disadvantage for being injured in a collision with a car. There are too many personal injury accidents between bikes and cars in Bellingham and beyond. Knowing and following the rules of the road before ...
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May 4, 2018 , Car Accidents

Accident reconstructionists can help determine the facts of a Bellingham car accident

Imagine this: it’s late at night, and there is only one other car on the road. It hits you, and you are seriously injured. Now the at fault driver’s insurance company is trying to argue that you were at fault. You’re still recovering from your ...
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May 4, 2018 , Car Accidents

Bellingham experts help car accident victims’ personal injury cases

It’s obvious how healthcare providers help accident victims. They are essential to an accident victim’s recovery in the immediate aftermath and sometimes years later. Healthcare professionals aren’t limited to medical doctors, but include nurse...
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April 26, 2018 , Distracted Driving

Distracted driving PSAs can make even the most cynical Bellingham driver smile

Even though far too many collisions involving a distracted driver in Bellingham end tragically, PSAs don't always have to. Public Service Announcements, or PSAs, are one way to raise awareness on important things like drunk or distracted driving. The...
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April 26, 2018 , Distracted Driving

Self driving car features meant to reduce distracted driving are already on Bellingham roads

You may think that self-driving cars are many years away. Truly autonomous vehicles certainly are in their infancy. However, there are already many features available on cars on the current market that have self-driving features. Do these reduce dist...
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April 19, 2018 , Distracted Driving , Pedestrian Injury

Studies show distracted walking makes pedestrians walk “stupid”

Ever notice how people who walk while texting seem a little tipsy? You're watching someone trying to do an impossible task - multitask. Using a cell phone and trying to do another cognitive and manual task results in inattention blindness. So it foll...
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April 18, 2018 , Children's Safety , Distracted Driving

Kids can distract drivers even more than cell phones

Usually when we hear "distracted driving" we think cell phones. But there are many types of distractions that can lead to accidents and crashes in Bellingham and Whatcom County. GPS units, Kindles, or other electronic devices are distractions and the...
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April 13, 2018 , Distracted Driving

Technology can help prevent Bellingham car accidents from distracted driving

Teens have an even harder time than adults putting their phones away while driving. Based on new research, cell phones are increasingly thought of as an addictive substance for anyone who owns one - especially teenagers. Locking the phone in the trun...
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April 5, 2018 , Personal Injury

Congestion – and the road rage it brings – is growing on Bellingham and Whatcom County streets

It's only a matter of time before we encounter - or become - an aggressive driver on Bellingham roads. It's obvious who the aggressive drivers are. Honking the horn, speeding, tailgating, weaving dangerously in and out of traffic, blowing through sto...
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