For all Whatcom and Skagit County area high school students, the time to send in your entry for our scholarship contest is now! The deadline is fast approaching, and winners will get a cash prize! Here are six reasons to enter:

1. Did you catch the part about free money?

2. It’s easy. All it takes is at least 45 seconds of your time to make a video. Okay, planning out a winning entry will probably take a little more time than under a minute, but the final product need only be at least 45 seconds long.

3. All you need is a smart phone. Don’t have your own? Probably someone within ten feet of you does. We’re not talking HDTV, and no matter how amazing the video it’s doubtful it’ll be part of the Oscars’ cinematography nominees for 2017. What’s most important is the message: How can drivers be safer and reduce driver error?

4. You can have fun! Check out this creative example of a video. They must have pulled their inspiration from this post about the crazy things people do while driving.

5. Might I mention again – free money, anyone? It’s kind of like getting paid $750/minute if your video is a minute long.

6. It helps to raise awareness about a disturbing, preventable trend that’s killing people, especially younger drivers. This really is the whole point to the contest, folks. Teens who text while driving spend approximately 10% of their time not in their lane. Would you want to drive 10% of the time in, say, the lane of oncoming traffic, with your eyes closed? I didn’t think so, and  yet 77% of young adults are very or somewhat confident that they can safely drive while texting.

Here’s the link to the entry details. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call 360-392-2833 and ask for Jennifer or Bill. Once your video is finished and uploaded to YouTube, just send a link to us here at the law firm, and call to make sure we got it.

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