Of the two million Americans who suffer head injuries each year, 14% of those are due to injuries from car crashes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That means 286,000 people receive TBI (traumatic brain injury) every year in car accidents. This number may even be on the low end, because TBIs are notoriously hard to pinpoint after a wreck. Confusion and adrenaline after a car crash can prevent injured accident victims from identifying TBI symptoms from what feels like general post-accident trauma. In medical parlance, head injuries are called the “silent epidemic” because many people are not aware that a concussion and the symptoms it brings on are actually a form of TBI.

Head injuries are serious. If you have experienced one caused by another driver’s negligence, call an experienced attorney right away. It is critical that you take important steps to begin your recovery – both medical and financial.

What are common head injuries from car accidents?

In a car accident, it is common for a drivers’ and/or passenger’s head to strike the windshielf, dashboard, or steering wheel. This can easily result in what’s called a “closed head injury”. A penetrating injury is another type of head injury, which can result when a foreign object enters the skull and brain. A bump or blow to the head can result in a closed head injury. 

Even in low-speed car crashes, mild trauma and head injuries can occur. Long-term cognitive and memory problems, as well as emotional and behavioral changes, are common symptoms of a concussion. Concussions are among the mildest but most common forms of TBI, and the changes they can bring into an accident victim’s life can significantly alter the quality.

What types of damages can be collected in head injury cases?

There are two basic types of damages: special and general. Special damages are economic losses. These are typically awarded financial compensation, based on a calculation for lost monetary value. Your lawyer is best able to assess the value of these types of damages using an “out-of-pocket” loss rule. Special damages can include:

Types of damages in head injury cases

The two basic types of damages in head injury cases are special damages and general damages.

Special damages are economic losses for which money is a similar replacement for what was lost. Your lawyer will make an assessment of the value of these damages using the “out-of-pocket” loss rule. Special damages can include:

  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earning capacity
  • Medical expenses, therapy and long-term care
  • Funeral and burial expenses (when the case involves wrongful death)
  • Property damage

General damages are non-economic losses for which a monetary value can only be roughly assigned. General damages may include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Shock and mental distress including PTSD
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of consortium (this claim is made by the family or spouse of the injured person)
  • Loss of society and companionship
  • Emotional distress

If you’ve experienced a head injury after a Bellingham car crash, from a concussion to a serious TBI, contact me today. You have enough to worry about in simply recovering your health and mental faculties so you can return to life as normal. Don’t try to take on the insurance companies alone. Studies show that accident victims recover more money from their insurance claims if they have a skilled and experienced lawyer’s help. Call me today. 

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