If you’re reading this page, you probably know this scenario: You or a loved one has been hurt by a collision while driving a motorcycle. You’re dealing with injuries, and the frustration that comes from mounting medical bills and lack of transportation, along with other losses. You can’t work, and the insurance companies are giving you the run around, or an offer that doesn’t compare to the amount of money you have to pay. While you wish you could just go on with your life and have things back to normal, it looks like you’ve got a lot of recovery ahead.

And if you weren’t at fault in this accident, you might be wondering how it’s fair that you have to deal with all these problems and pay for problems you didn’t even cause.

But you don’t have to. Regain your freedom and your financial stability with the knowledge and experience of Bill Coats. He will hold accountable the people responsible for your problems from this accident, and get you a fair, full settlement quickly.  Don’t delay in calling him. Bill offers all accident victims who want to know if they have a claim or not a free consultation. He can listen to the facts of your case and tell you about next steps. Reach him at this form or by calling him directly at 360-392-2833..

Bill has seen clients with a wide range of debilitating injuries after a motorcycle accident. The cards are stacked against a motorcyclist in accidents, especially those that involve a car or truck. Being hit can result in traumatic head, neck, spine, and brain injuries – some of which can be fatal or life-long. Road rash that can result in scarring if it’s not treated right. Paralysis or loss of limbs. And badly broken bones that fracture and take a lot of quality medical attention to fix and rehabilitate. Motorcycle accidents simply don’t result in minor injuries that often; especially at high rates of speeds, bikers almost never walk away without a scratch. These are expensive, extensive injuries. Call an attorney to help you through the process of financial recovery.

Even though not all motorcyclists drive recklessly, there is still an image and bias against bikers. That stigma can extend to insurance companies and the general public. Trying to go against a large corporation that employs people who investigate claims and look for fault is foolish when there’s a large claim at stake. It’s simply not in the insurer’s best interest to pay out a lot of money, so why would it be in yours to expect them to? It’s best to call Bill Coats right away and find out what you should do next. Do not go it alone, as you could be costing yourself and your family hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Bill is a skilled negotiator and tough lawyer, and he’s not afraid to take cases all the way to court. Sometimes that’s the only way to get a fair settlement. Focus on your health’s recovery, and let Bill deal with the insurers. His work has awarded his clients much more than they were initially offered or thought they could get.

Bill Coats Law is in downtown Bellingham, and serves clients from all over Whatcom and Skagit counties. You can start the process of financial recovery, which makes all the rest so much easier, by clicking here.

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