A hit and run accident that happens to a bicycle rider is unconscionable. Most always between a car and a bike, the bicyclist is the one with the far greater injuries. On a bicycle, you are much more vulnerable to impact than in a car, even at relatively low speeds. If the driver takes off, added to the pain of the injuries is the frustration and anger at that terrible response.

If you were hit by a car while riding a bicycle, and that driver left the scene, call Bill Coats immediately. You deserve guidance and strong advocacy at this time. Bill can listen to your unique case with empathy and understanding, and give you insight into what to do next. His consultations to find out if you have a case are always free, just begin here.

Why would I need a lawyer?

Accidents that involve a hit and run are traumatizing, even only emotionally. But it’s typical when a bicyclist is hit by a motor vehicle that the bike rider is the one that gets hurt. Sometimes it’s not obvious what the injuries are. With proper counsel, you’ll have information about what to do next from someone who can assess the facts of the case and compare those facts to a deeper knowledge of the laws that would apply. It takes years of higher education and a lengthy, intense exam to qualify as a lawyer, knowledge that a civilian would not have. It doesn’t cost anything to have a consultation, and if there is compensation due you, it may be the only  way you would know, or be eligible to receive it. Insurance companies can be unscrupulous and it is always in their best interest to stick on the low end of paying out claims. Do you really want to be arguing on the phone when you could be focusing on recovering from your accident?

What if the Hit-and-Run Driver Isn’t Found?

It’s a crime to leave the scene of an accident in the state of Washington, and often the drivers who were involved are found, or turn themselves in. However, if that does not happen, you still have options. Again, this can be complex and is best handled by someone experienced in dealing with these matters. There are different ways to go about this.

One avenue is to file a claim through your auto insurance policy, though not all bicyclists have one. While the accident didn’t occur while you were driving a car, you may have coverage for medical bills through Personal Injury Protection, Uninsured/Underinsured motorist, or other payment plans. The insurer may not always provide adequate coverage for your expenses or losses, especially if those expenses are going to involve intensive, long term rehabilitative care. This is where it’s best to have a skilled attorney work to protect your rights.

Also, know that support may be available to you through the Crime Victims Compensation Fund, administered through the Department of Labor and Industries. It may not be a lot of coverage, but it can be a useful source of support.

Above all, know that if you want to talk to an attorney because you think you might have a case, call Bill Coats. His office is located in downtown Bellingham, and he is experienced working out claims for bicycle accident victims. He is not paid until you are, since his fees work on a contingency basis. Why not call today? 360-392-2833.

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