Just the other day I was walking along downtown and noticed someone turn down the wrong way on a one way street. Bellingham is notorious for its one way streets, especially downtown, and while I witnessed no accident, others haven’t been so lucky. In fact, one of the leading causes of car, motorcycle, and trucking accidents is attributed to a driver heading in the wrong direction on the roadway. Often this is just an awkward mistake, but a slip-up like this can cause a serious accident, resulting in traumatic injuries and even death.
Personal injury cases involve proving fault, and in order to do that, you must prove that the other driver acted negligently. So if a driver heads the wrong way down a one way street, he could be found negligent if there is adequate signage warning drivers that it’s a one way street. If the driver’s wrong way driving causes an accident, even if it’s just a partial cause, you can seek damages from the driver.
To establish that a driver was driving the wrong way, you’ll need to prove the direction(s) both drivers were heading in and whether that street was indeed a one way street. Usually a defendant will admit to driving down the wrong way if that’s what happened. But if not, circumstantial evidence can usually be found to piece it all together, such as tire marks, witness testimony, and more.
Proving that a driver knowingly drove the wrong way down a street can be a little trickier. This means it’s necessary to look at the road for obvious signs and markers. What if the negligent driver made the mistake to travel the wrong way down a road because he was impaired? Many defendants involved in a wrong way accident were intoxicated at the time of the accident. Witness observations and tests executed by the police at the scene of the crime or after an arrest can reinforce your negligence claim.
If you’ve been injured in a wrong-way accident, let me know. My experience as a car accident and personal injury attorney can help you get the financial compensation you deserve. Don’t try to file a claim like this on your own. Instead, call me and I’ll help you determine what’s at stake for you and your loved ones.